Protect Your Business From Disaster.

Continue Your Business Even If The Worst Happens.

Ensuring you are protecting your business, reputation and meeting compliance requirements, means having a comprehensive Disaster Recovery and Continuity Plan.

Data loss can have a devastating impact on UK businesses, costing an average of £3.1 million per incident.

- Ponemon Institute 2023 survey

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery is more than just what happens if you get hit by a cyber attack.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning is the process of developing and implementing a plan to ensure that your business can continue to operate in the event of any disaster, not just a cyber attack.

Could your business survive and keep going if you were suddenly hit by a natural disaster such as a flood or earthquake?

How about in the event of a man-made disaster?

Having a robust plan when is comes to what happens if disaster strikes and how you can ensure your business keeps going even if it does.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery planning is important for all businesses, regardless of size or industry.

Disaster can strike at any time, and without a plan in place, your business could be at risk.

Your Reliable Partner for Tailored Cybersecurity and Data Protection Solutions

We are living in the digital age - protecting your data security is paramount for everyone.

For most businesses this is confusing, scary and a major headache when it comes to thinking about what happens if disaster strikes.

With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, businesses of all sizes need to implement comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect their assets.

At Abyte Solutions, we understand the unique challenges that businesses face, and we offer tailored cybersecurity, data protection and business continuity and disaster recovery solutions that meet the specific needs of each client.

Our solutions are designed to protect your business from a wide range of cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks. We also offer a variety of data protection solutions, such as encryption and backup, to ensure that your data is always safe and secure.

In particular, we offer robust firewalls to protect your network from unauthorised access, encryption protocols to safeguard your sensitive data, and employee training to raise awareness of cybersecurity best practices.

And we don't stop there, having just gone through a global pandemic we make sure that if you need your system to flex with you because you can not access your physical location for any reason, that you are prepared.

We are living in the digital age - protecting your data security is paramount for everyone.

For most businesses this is confusing, scary and a major headache when it comes to thinking about what happens if disaster strikes.

With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, businesses of all sizes need to implement comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect their assets.

At Abyte Solutions, we understand the unique challenges that businesses face, and we offer tailored cybersecurity, data protection and business continuity and disaster recovery solutions that meet the specific needs of each client.

Our solutions are designed to protect your business from a wide range of :

  • Cyber Threats

  • Including Malware

  • Ransomware

  • Phishing Attacks

We also offer a variety of data protection solutions, such as encryption and backup, to ensure that your data is always safe and secure.

In particular, we offer :

  • Robust firewalls : to protect your network from unauthorised access.

  • Encryption protocols : to safeguard your sensitive data.

  • Employee training : to raise awareness of cybersecurity best practices.

And we don't stop there, having just gone through a global pandemic we make sure that if you need your system to flex with you because you can not access your physical location for any reason, that you are prepared.

Disaster Recovery Solutions for True Business Continuity

Abyte Solutions can help you develop a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

We will work with you to identify your critical systems and data, and to assess your risks. Based on this we then develop a customised plan that meets your specific needs and will help you to recover from a disaster quickly and efficiently.

And we're not just talking backup's either. We explore your ability to work in a remote environment in a range of scenarios, the challenges you face on a daily basis already and ensure challenges like data-storage constraints don't become a headache.

Our hardware-free BCDR solution, expertly leverages the cloud for swift data recovery and seamless backup.

Delivering you continuous operations without the weight of expensive appliance costs.

Want To Ensure That Your Business Can Operate Uninterrupted?

Only 42% of UK businesses and organisations were able to restore their critical systems within 12 hours after a severe data loss event, with 33% needing a day or longer to recover.*

This is alarming, given that 86% of surveyed UK businesses and organisations stated they could only tolerate a maximum of 12 hours of downtime due to data loss.*

Abyte Solutions offers comprehensive disaster recovery solutions that help you minimise business downtime and protect your valuable data.

Our solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of each client.

Our quick "bare-metal" restores directly from the local cache, minimising downtime and enabling businesses to swiftly resume normal operations in the event of data loss or system failure.

We also offer an air-gapped disaster recovery solution that keeps data isolated from potential threats, ensuring that even in the face of malicious attempts, critical information remains secure and accessible.

With Abyte Solutions, UK businesses can face any challenge with confidence.

Our disaster recovery plans and solutions are designed to ensure true business continuity, enabling organizations to maintain seamless operations in the event of an attack or disaster.

*Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, UK Government,

September 2022

Book A Complimentary IT Audit To Discover How We Can Help You Achieve True Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery.

Whether you're looking for a complete disaster recovery solution or simply need help developing a plan, our team of experts is here to assist you.

Copyright A-byte Computer Solutions 2024

Abyte Solutions is a trading name of A-byte Computer Solutions.